Friday, April 17, 2009

Maritius Joy Ride

I went on a facinating little play called "Maritius" this past wednesday. A lovely, devastating tragic, tale of the 1 penny and 2 penny stamp post office. The two sisters in posession of the stamps are costantly fighting over who keeps the stamps. It is revealed the stamps are a fake at some point but it still unknown if the stamps are a fake or not.
I think that the theme of the play is, "Don't go around selling valuables to the wrong people." Supporting this, is Jacky selling both the 1 penny and 2 penny to some shady business man who is recommended by some other guy, who Jacky recently met as well. Both men which are Sterling and Denis, they are alien to Jacky and yet tries to strike an offer with her.
I cab relate more to Jacky because she is greedy and only thinks of herself, rather than her sister and the value of the stamps. Well obviously Mary was the right one. Her motives are wiser than Jacky's. Her motives have included donating her grandfather's stamps to a museum. She would be benefiting the world rather than herself. I have the same conflicts with my brothers as well. But not anything as big as this. Nothing as vital as this. Hmm... And my family is of my full blood. Not half.

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