Friday, April 24, 2009

Late Assignment for 4/24

Because I haven't finished reading my current book Summer of my German Solider. So I really can't explain much about since I'm only on chapter 3 or 4. But I have read other books. But I'm too lazy to memorize those and start up an explanation. So I'll just start with...

This book made me ponder about what might happen next. The main character is... I don't know. I forgot her name. But she is a Jew in the 1940's obviously. But her location is in... I don't remember either. All I know is she near Tennessee and the Mississippi river. She comes from a wealthy family and leads a normal life. Not to mention she plain for a girl. Her mother expects so Check Spellingmuch from her but sadly she can't meet her mother's expectations. Shes a bit of a tomboy, and even her father ignores her. Thats normal. Pretty much. But who am I to judge? I don't know! It's until she is watching her father's shop from a far. One day the German Prisoner of War trucks arrive at the shop for a puchase of hats and such. The only english-speaking German prisioner catches the main character's eye. Oh, now I remember the name of the main character is Patty. So Patty tries to strike a conversation with Reiker the German soldier. I stopped reading there since I ran out of time. But I'll continue reading the rest of the book to the best of my ability. I know I can finish reading it this weekend if I really try. But I doubt it. I have a lot to do this weekend. I don't mind, but I have my reading journal due next week. And I have no freakin' idea for connection or a "hook". I'm like freaking out here dude! I wish I can do the journal on The Host or The Demonata: Bec. But I can't find the books anywhere! Still freaking out... I don't know what to do. At least I caught up with my 90 vocabulary cards. Thank God. Well that the end of my post. I'll see you guyz around. Laters!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Maritius Joy Ride

I went on a facinating little play called "Maritius" this past wednesday. A lovely, devastating tragic, tale of the 1 penny and 2 penny stamp post office. The two sisters in posession of the stamps are costantly fighting over who keeps the stamps. It is revealed the stamps are a fake at some point but it still unknown if the stamps are a fake or not.
I think that the theme of the play is, "Don't go around selling valuables to the wrong people." Supporting this, is Jacky selling both the 1 penny and 2 penny to some shady business man who is recommended by some other guy, who Jacky recently met as well. Both men which are Sterling and Denis, they are alien to Jacky and yet tries to strike an offer with her.
I cab relate more to Jacky because she is greedy and only thinks of herself, rather than her sister and the value of the stamps. Well obviously Mary was the right one. Her motives are wiser than Jacky's. Her motives have included donating her grandfather's stamps to a museum. She would be benefiting the world rather than herself. I have the same conflicts with my brothers as well. But not anything as big as this. Nothing as vital as this. Hmm... And my family is of my full blood. Not half.

Friday, April 3, 2009


The assignment for today is a personal connection to the Alchemist. A lovely little story really. You must read it if you want a bit of wisdom. Not all that long either. Basically, the main character finds his Personal Legend and the love of his life. I'm like Santiago just cause he wants to find his Personal Legend and love. I'm in the search for the same thing, just at a different time period. Where it's most hard to read the omens. I'm different from cause I'm not a straight out pussy at first. He get tricked and robbed and that would most likely not happen to me. Because I would'nt let it happen to me. I'm not as unfortuanate as he is. Sometimes I think that Santiago is a bit of an idiot at some times. He just cant seem to make the right choices on his own. He might have to depend on the omens having to force him to think straight. I would make waaay different decisions because I would'nt take as much risky decisions that make him look bad if he fails. I want to look good and seem superior to everyone else. Smarter that evryone else. My decision would benefit mostly those whom I love the most.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Roses are red <3

Hola! Good morning! Lily checking in from period 1! What a beautiful cloudy day! I <3>

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Assignment for 3/26/09

This reflects to The Alchemist book, because this a alchemy ritual symbol. This is the sort of the stuff you'd most likely find in the Englishman's alchemy books. This alchemy ritual symbol is used to summon homunculus and such. A homunculus is an artifcial human being created by alchemy. But of courese there isn't any homunculi in the The Alchemist, silly. FullMetal Alchemist is a cruel and tragic story. Full of violence, gore, death, and knowing that the truth really hurts. If only Ed and Al didn't have to be the ones taht unlocks the truth and almost gets their butts killed over and over. Not to mention the seven deady homunculi in this story want them dead at all costs. Ed and Al's father is the master of the homunculi which makes everything worse. So The Alchemikst and FullMetal Alchemist have very few connections but the few connections that it has are important, such as the use of alchemy. The forbidden law of turning lead into gold. And the most important of all... the law of equivalent exchange.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Speak of the devil & the devil shall appear...

Another assignment cuz Ms. Crabtree told me so... X_X

This time I gotta write about my independent reading book and it's awesome contents.

Alright. Here's the deal. I'm reading The Demonata: Demon Theif. And so I have a connection this book, cuz Kernel the main character, is fighting daily for his life against demons. Not to mention he has to rescue his baby brother. My connection is I fight "demons" daily in my life too. My "demons" include, a posuer white/wannabe azn, a poseur wannabe player/rocker, an over weight german chick, and the pplz in my classes. lol So true, so true. Omg. Whats also important, is...WHY ARE THE MAIN CHARACTERS ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS SUFFERING??? I swear, god, let them have their moments! Leave 'em alone! *sniff sniff* T_T
I think that the type of pplz who should really read these type of stories are normal people who like horror/macabre series. I don't think someone who is all up into romance should read this. Hell no. You could say I'm like Dervish Grady. He is a punker, he's so random and creepy. He also is one of the Demon hunters that fight the Demonata. I <3>

End Post.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Reading... XP

Reading "The Demonata: Demon Theif". Book 2 of The Demonata series. I didn't really get to read the first one. I read about half, got bored and returned it to the school library. Oh well...uh.
But I really like Demon Theif so far. It's fun and I enjoy waiting in wonder what might happen next. XD
So. Kernel, the main character, like others, is a leper, an outcast among many. People think he is a crazy guy. He talks about seeing lights. Random lights in every shape possible. Just randomly floating about. No one else can see these lights. Just him. One day while he is in his room alone, he is messing around with the lights. Solving them like a puzzle. Outta nowhere, the lights begin to pulse and open a doorway to a new world. Suddenly, a demon just walks out of the portal, breaking everything in Kernel's room. then just disappears back into the random doorway to Hell.

so yeah....&&....idk ;D

Dear Darren Shan,

Dude... You write the most awesome badass stories I've ever read. Better than kiss up "Twilight." I know you already have released like 8 volumes of The Demonata, but I promise you that I will catch up to you evetually. Oh, and I'll buy your hardcover books too. The action in this series always keeps me on my toes. I always ponder into the wee hours of the night what event is next. X) So awesome =D Um. Er. HEART<3 But what i'm wondering is why you write the series, every book is a different story of a different person. Interesting...Please let Kernel find his younger brother. It's his only family and Kernel is a lonely person. *sniff, sniff* Poor Kernel, being forced to go into an unknown world to find his baby brother, who could be dead already. T_T *tear, tear*

xoxo a loyal fan, Lily <3

p.s. HEART! <3

Friday, February 20, 2009

Alchemy and Gold

And so far in Santiago's journey..... Santiago has just been robbed of all his money and is forced to find a job to make money. He will choose to get the money for getting back to his country or continueing on his path to his hidden treasur. Of course we ALL know what he a gonna do. He is gonna work in that crystal shop for two flippin' years, and get the money to go seek out his treasure. It's just like Edward Elric from FullMetal Alchemist. No matter how many bad thing happen to him and his younger brother, Al, they always will continue to find the Philosopher's Stone. They get beaten up to a bloody pulp. Ed get made fun of for being short. They disregard Al for being a giant suit of armor. They hit Ed with a wrench. Al gets caught with stray kittens in his armor. They ALWAYS will strive to get what they want. Like Santiago, they strive to get the item the so long want to get. The item the both seek will help them with future references. The treasure will make Santiago a rich sherpard and Ed & Al seek the Philosopher's Stone and their missing bodies back

Yay! Connection! I did it! XD

Going smoothly...

Everything is going too perfect!>.< But WHY???? Where are you karma?? If you hear me, Imma calling you out!! You can't hide forever! I know your here and ready to strike. Going to school nowdays is utter bliss. I have great friends by my side who care about me and like to have fun. I have the man I love too. But since I did THAT, why hasn't anything bad happened to me? Always after I try out a evil diabolical plan, karma always comes and bites me in the ass. So why isn't anything happening to me?? I've been wary of my surroundings for almost a month, and nothing is bothering me. Nothing is making things bad for me. Absolutely NOTHING! So.... WHY??? I don't get it....
And I'm on standby!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th...

Tommarow is Valentine's Day! I hate that holiday. The reason I hate it is cause just seems like another pointless holiday that was created by the candy and flower companies to make more money. Oh, and that emotion called "love" sounds like such a lie sometimes....

Not to mention, today is another lame holiday. Superstitions are stupid. I don't even know why people even bother to believe that BS.

but still I'm being a hippocrite. Why? Cause I brought valentines for 13 of my closest friends. Including a guy I like. So cute >///

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Aww shiznit! >.>

Ugh. I have to do another assignment on what I've read so far! lame!
so yea... I haven't really read anything new...So, I tried reading The Shades of Simon Gray style. Not all that great. Just another story about a guy who is almost perfect in every way. He has his life screwed over and now
he has to solve the problem. And I tried reading Maus I. It was okay. I like anything that includes Hilter or the jews persishing under his boot. lol I sooo mean.
I love reading history. It's a real shame that you don't get history in your freshman year as a class... I also like to read action/adventure/romance/sci-fi/horror. Pretty much the same goes for all the manga and anime series I watch/read.
And as for The Alchemist, I already read it comment.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Anime Central <3

I don't read novels just as much as I love reading manga. Right now I'm reading Special A. An awesome book, its a shojo of course. They main character, Hikari, is practically desperate to beat his childhood rival, Kei. La Corda Al Oro. The newest manga title on my list. I become more sensitive when reading manga. Kinda...

I've learned through the world of reading, that the world is not the kindest place. I know more about the world than most people my age. I have seen the world shun me over and over and over that I KNOW the world is a terrible place, indeed. Not to mention that ALL the books I read, the main character is tortured and pushed almost to death. They always make the main characters seem weak and helpless. I want to see an evil genius defeat an entire country, or rule the world. But its always the good guy who wins.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Stephenie Meyer's "The Host"

I read the famous Stepenie Meyer's, "The Host". I read it over winter break.It only took about 4 days to finish it. But that was because It was a miracle that I found it at the school's Library. Right now, since the release of Twilight, I can't find the damn book at any library I know. I always see girls in the campus carrying any 4 titles of the Twilight series. I got into the series waaaaay before the release of the movie. (Now I'm just being a flippin' show-off! *smirk*) I WAS gonna do my 2nd reading journal on "The Host", but I returned it to the library 2 days before, Ms. Crabtree told us our reading journal was due 2 weeks from then. Now it's due this upcoming Monday! I've been running my a** to the flippin' library every freakin' day for the past week, and the damn book isn't there! So now I have to do my reading journal on Amelia Atwater-Rhodes's "Demon In My View". Ugh.

The Host is about the present day world. But it's been taken over by these souls that enter the human body and completely take over the human body. The humans have no control over this. The majority of human have been invaded by the alien souls. But, there are still some remianing "wild" humans. One of them is a 17-year-old girl named Melanie Styder. She was captured by the souls in the begininng of the novel. So a soul was inserted into Melanie. But instead of fading away like the other humans, she is in the mind of the soul. Melanie can talkand think to the soul . The soul searches Melanie's memory for the location of the wold humans. But Melanie refuses to show their whereabouts. Instead she shows the soul images of the man Melanie loves. Soon the soul begins to yearn for Melanie's love. So the soul and Melanie ally to find the man they both love...

You gotta read this book. It's freakin good!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's Thursday!!! >.<

I soooo happy cause I'm a gummy bear!! GUMMY BEAR!!
I'm soooo flippin' bored! Please comment my page. Am i interesting or boring??
I don't know! IDK... IDK...
Maybe I just suck. Ms. Plescia is not here 2day!! Bwahaha! PARTY!!!
Ramon, Luis, Juan, Guillermo, Miguel, and Jaimmy are gonna be loud a**es today!
Tell 'em to shut the f*** up, please!! i beg you! I wanna have a good rainy day! I
wanna have a normal day, not filled with retarded peoplez... I'm still happy cuz
I'm a lazy sleepy Gummy Bear! ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz......-_____-

Friday, January 16, 2009

Dreams are Paradise...

Dreams have been around since the very begininng of humanity.
Dreams have been around since the begininng of time.
But we often ask: what do dreams mean?
We often don't know. Even scientists to this day can't seem to crack the code.
And dream interpreting often is 90% of the time wrong.

So what do we think about our dreams?

I believe that dreams could be essentially useless in my case. They just CAN'T be worth checking up on.
They CAN'T mean anything. Dreams have to be just images your brain projects to show what you are thinking of. They are sometimes good things or bad things. Mainly just random images.

For instance, I had a dream this morning where I was on this large hill that was the shape of a aztec altar. The altar was being attack by I think was samurai warriors. They broke the first gate and then retreated. I was at the altar and this random voice told me to not touch the boar statue in the center. I disobeyed and held on to it and dropped it to the floor. There was cheetah life size statues around the table where the boar stood. They suddenly all came alive and began to chase me. I fled the scene and ran down the moutain. ( I wore an aztec outfit, by the way...) Next thing I was on the battlefield of a civil war. I began to jump atop the crumbling buildings. and hid behind a couple of tall torn trees in the middle of a jungle. After that I had another dream but I don't want to go on to that...

It is a good idea Santiago in, "The Alchemist" went on and followed his dream because it went on to finding his hidden treasure. And the girl of his dreams (The girl he loves). What sucks is people say its dumb to follow his Persoanl Legend. I think that not true!