Reading "The Demonata: Demon Theif". Book 2 of The Demonata series. I didn't really get to read the first one. I read about half, got bored and returned it to the school library. Oh well...uh.
But I really like Demon Theif so far. It's fun and I enjoy waiting in wonder what might happen next. XD
So. Kernel, the main character, like others, is a leper, an outcast among many. People think he is a crazy guy. He talks about seeing lights. Random lights in every shape possible. Just randomly floating about. No one else can see these lights. Just him. One day while he is in his room alone, he is messing around with the lights. Solving them like a puzzle. Outta nowhere, the lights begin to pulse and open a doorway to a new world. Suddenly, a demon just walks out of the portal, breaking everything in Kernel's room. then just disappears back into the random doorway to Hell.
so yeah....&&....idk ;D
Dear Darren Shan,
Dude... You write the most awesome badass stories I've ever read. Better than kiss up "Twilight." I know you already have released like 8 volumes of The Demonata, but I promise you that I will catch up to you evetually. Oh, and I'll buy your hardcover books too. The action in this series always keeps me on my toes. I always ponder into the wee hours of the night what event is next. X) So awesome =D Um. Er. HEART<3 But what i'm wondering is why you write the series, every book is a different story of a different person. Interesting...Please let Kernel find his younger brother. It's his only family and Kernel is a lonely person. *sniff, sniff* Poor Kernel, being forced to go into an unknown world to find his baby brother, who could be dead already. T_T *tear, tear*
xoxo a loyal fan, Lily <3
p.s. HEART! <3